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Trump’s Invite to NABJ Sparks Debate

Donald Trump’s invitation to address the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) has ignited a heated debate within the organization and sparked online arguments. Traditionally, journalism organizations for people of color invite presidential candidates to speak at their summer gatherings during election years. However, Trump’s acceptance of NABJ’s invitation has raised concerns. At least one high-profile NABJ member stepped down as a convention co-chair due to Trump’s invitation. Others worry that the convention might become a platform for Trump to make false claims or be seen as winning NABJ’s endorsement. Trump will be interviewed at 12 p.m. CDT in Chicago by three reporters: Kadia Goba of Semafor, Rachel Scott of ABC News, and Harris Faulkner of Fox News. Vice President Kamala Harris, the likely Democratic nominee and the first Black woman to hold her office, is not currently scheduled to address the convention. The debate over NABJ’s invite reflects how journalists grapple with how to approach Trump, considering his past demeaning of prominent Black journalists and attacks on the free press. NABJ President Ken Lemon insists that the invitation is “absolutely not an endorsement.” The event provides an opportunity to vet the candidate directly on NABJ’s ground. In this complex landscape, NABJ members are wrestling with the balance between allowing newsmakers to be heard and addressing concerns about Trump’s history with blacks. The organization’s decision underscores the ongoing challenges faced by journalists when engaging with political figures. 🗞️🤔. ~Balance Due

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Biden Drops Out: Chaos In Uncharted Waters. 

No Duopoly has ever needed a makeover more than the current two-party American system. Biden drops out and just endorsed, Kamala Harris. So now, Let the Games Begin.  My thoughts both the Democrats and the Republicans are out of touch with the main electorate. 70 percent of Americans don’t approve of either candidate for president. Now that percentage is subject to change depending on who becomes the democratic candidate that replaces Biden. I can assume it’s goanna be Kamala, but I don’t know how this complicated situation will evolve. I’ll gauge public sentiment within the next couple of days. But I know this much, everyday working-class Americans’ especially the minorities are starting to inquire more frequently; Why do we continue to support either party, things never get better although the media and politicians state otherwise. Furthermore, why do the parties only seem interested in the plight of the coloreds when votes are needed, once they think they have them then they spew middle class talking points and never address the poor and now both parties have created laws that criminalized the homeless? The customary routine of both parties is outdated (Too Establishment) and the people are waking up to the failed disingenuous strategy. The confluence of the two-party river that always ends up together in the same direction benefiting the same race. People want a viable third option!!! But anyway, I believe Biden did the right thing by dropping out. He’s an establishment politician and it’s time to reinvent what that means. The infrastructure; the ideology, the personnel; The (go along to get along) establishment strategy which rarely changes. Not much difference between the two-parties. And now that Kamala has been crowned…

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The Return of Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, is reemerging into public life by meeting with roughly 100 of her biggest donors who supported her campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. The retreat is taking place in Charleston, South Carolina, not far from Haley’s home in the state’s low country. However, despite her interactions with donors, she is still not expected to endorse her former ally, now the presumptive Republican nominee, at these meetings. Instead, the event is being billed as an opportunity for Haley to thank her backers for their support throughout her own campaign. The decision not to endorse Trump has been significant for Haley’s public persona. On the day she dropped out of the race, she told supporters that it was up to Trump “to earn the votes of those in our party, and beyond it, who did not support him.” Unquote 😜 Wink Wink. This supposed stance made her an outlier among the 2024 GOP candidates, as many of the Republicans who once challenged Trump quickly fell in line behind him after exiting the race. I predict she’s following the mantra; (Time heals all Wounds). She will give her Trump Endorsement a it a little more time than she will endorse Trump. She is just like Ramaswamy She has an enduring need to be accepted by her white peers doesn’t matter if they degrade her. Her personal gain means much more than dignity and integrity. Now, despite maintaining a relatively low profile since dropping out more than two months ago, Haley has continued to receive significant support in state Republican primaries. Most recently, she garnered more than 120,000 votes in Indiana, representing about 22% of the vote. Overall, Haley has won…

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Supreme Court Issues Warning

Conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito recently delivered a commencement address at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, a Catholic college in Ohio. During his speech, he warned that support for freedom of speech is “declining dangerously,” with the caveat, especially on college campuses. Alito expressed concern about the state of free speech, particularly in educational institutions where the exchange of ideas should be protected. 😜Wink, Wink  Americans should take this as a stern warning despite what’s he’s saying publicly as long as we have this type of Supreme Court and a establishment president who won’t kill the filibuster or stack the courts, it really doesn’t matter which president you vote for Trump or Biden with either of them as president minorities should be very concerned with losing civil rights all across the board with Trump he’s instigating a Civil War and with Biden he’s directing us toward World War III. And Israel its groups entities and puppets own and operate both parties and the media, and they made the decision that it’s one of the two candidates. Most Americans believe the middle class and the poor have no REAL REPRESENTATION in Washington.   So, pick your poison. Most people of goodwill and the educated believe a vote of (no confidence in all states across the nation) would send a stern message to the rest of the world that “every day American’s don’t want any of these choices,” and Alito has the nerve to emphasize that very few colleges live up to the ideal of fostering open debate and respectful discourse. Alito also highlighted that the broader world faces challenges in upholding this fundamental principle. Interestingly, Alito’s support for free speech has its limits.…

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HBCU Cancels United Nations Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

Xavier University of Louisiana, an HBCU in New Orleans cancelled United Nations Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield’s address amid student protests related to the Gaza conflict. The decision to cancel Thomas-Greenfield’s commencement speech was influenced by pressure from students and the community. Concerns were raised about her voting record at the United Nations, particularly regarding a ceasefire in Gaza. Students pointed out that she had repeatedly voted against a ceasefire, which contributed to the decimation of universities in Gaza and the loss of thousands and thousands of lives. The petition against her as the commencement speaker emphasized the impact on Palestinians in Gaza, drawing parallels with the experiences of African Americans during the segregation era in the United States and the holocaust in Germany. The Nearly 1,800 people signed a petition demanding a new commencement speaker who better aligned with the university’s mission statement and would not politicize the ceremony. The students wanted someone who represented their values and would contribute to an uninterrupted graduation celebration. The University of Vermont (UVM) had previously canceled Thomas-Greenfield’s address amid pro-Palestinian protests on campus. These protests reflect broader discontent with the handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict and the humanitarian crisis affecting Palestinians in Gaza. It’s important to recognize that universities are navigating complex issues related to free speech, political stances, and student voices and furthermore don’t want to upset their benefactors. The cancellation of Thomas-Greenfield’s address highlights the impact of global events on college campuses and the need for thoughtful decisions in honoring graduates while respecting diverse perspectives. These college student’s Pro-Humanity Protesting is showing the so-called adult political leaders the playbook they should be following, speaking the truth. I watched a republican press conference which…

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Tim Scott Gets Mocked

Sen. Tim Scott, a potential vice-presidential nominee, has recently been in the spotlight due to his refusal to directly answer questions about accepting the results of the 2024 presidential election, regardless of who wins. During a Sunday appearance on “Meet the Press,” the South Carolina Republican Senator repeatedly deflected questions about the election outcome. When asked for a simple “Yes or no?” regarding whether he would commit to accepting the election results, Scott replied, “That is my statement.”  He further asserted that the American people would make the decision, and he believed that Donald Trump would be the next president. This stance mirrors Trump’s own position, as he continues to claim that the 2020 election results were rigged. Trump has left open the possibility of challenging the winner of the 2024 election, stating, “If everything’s honest, I’d gladly accept the results. If it’s not, you must fight for the right of the country.” Scott’s refusal to directly address the question has drawn criticism, especially given his status as a top contender for Trump’s 2024 running mate. The issue of accepting election results remains a contentious one, and Scott’s response highlights the broader debate within the GOP. Right now, mainstream media pundits claim Tim Scott and Kristi Noem AKA Botox Bundy are the top contenders for Trump’s VP running mate. I predict Trump will pick a Puppy Killa for VP before he does Tim Scott. Lastly, FYI All dog owners; there’s a serial puppy Killa on the lose please adhere to the national puppy curfew until at said time the killer is reprimanded and detained by the local authorities.

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Immunity From Prosecution

The Capitol riot occurred when a mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol building in an unsuccessful attempt to halt the certification of Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory. Trump’s claims of widespread voter fraud, which fueled the unrest, lacked evidence Ultimately, Trump was acquitted

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Elon Musk’s X Supports Red Wave

Elon says, America needs a red wave to save it. My response, ‘Ketamine is a helluva drug.’ Elon has lost his way. He reminds me of Rick James, he’s cold blooded. Elon lacks empathy. Elon is a narcissist who thinks he’s God. Elon Musk’s influence on political dynamics through his involvement with Twitter, now known as “x,” could potentially reshape discourse and engagement on the platform, given his large following and the platform’s widespread reach. He could possibly be one of the biggest threats to humanity. However, the extent of this influence and its specific impact would depend on Musk’s impending actions and how users respond to them. I can only assume his response to this commentary would be, ‘ I’m Elon Musk Bitch the pleasure is all yours🥹😗🪁’

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Mark Robinson’s Outrageous Claims

Prepare to be stunned by the latest controversy surrounding North Carolina’s GOP nominee, Mark Robinson! In a series of jaw-dropping statements, Robinson has ignited a firestorm with his outrageous claims about women and Black people. From contentious remarks about gender roles to inflammatory rhetoric about race, Robinson’s unfiltered opinions have sparked intense debate across the nation. Dive deep into the uproar surrounding Robinson’s controversial assertions, as we dissect the implications and reactions in this explosive video. Join the viral conversation now and share your thoughts on the unfolding controversy!

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Hillbilly Effigy, ‘Starring Lauren Boebert’

Lauren Boebert, recognizing challenges in switching districts, claims divine guidance to continue. Her brash style and extreme stances on COVID-19, election fraud, gun rights, and climate change often appear simplistic, attracting criticism and perpetuating stereotypes. Despite scientific consensus, she frequently disseminates misinformation, sparking controversy. In summary, her contentious approach and viewpoints are polarizing.

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Nikki Haley Suspends Presidential Campaign

Nikki Haley has halted her presidential campaign without endorsing Trump, sparking speculation she’ll eventually back him to align with GOP unity. Critics label Haley as inauthentic, predicting her inevitable support for Trump will confirm her as a typical, uninspiring politician, ultimately harming her political future.

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A Surefire Match Made in Hell

Donald Trump met with Elon Musk to solicit campaign donations for his 2024 presidential run, prompting fears of a partnership that could undermine democracy, ethics, and equality. Critics predict market instability and a widening wealth gap, as both figures have histories of controversial policies and statements. Their potential alliance could exacerbate nationalist tendencies and ethical issues in AI and space exploration, threatening transparency and fundamental rights.

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Bold Choices Verses Democratic Norms

The commentary urges President Biden to adopt bolder actions to protect American democracy, criticizing his inaction and lack of clear communication. It advocates for more engagement with the media, public, and grassroots movements. Highlighting the risk of an authoritarian America, it calls for decisive measures like Supreme Court reform and bold leadership to counteract Republicans’ undemocratic tendencies. Biden’s failure to eliminate the filibuster and direct the DOJ is seen as missing crucial opportunities to safeguard democracy.

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Declaring War on Women’s Rights

The debate surrounding Roe v. Wade and embryo status is influenced by various factors, including beliefs about individual rights, state authority, and unborn protection. Some argue that Republican attacks on women’s rights aim to manipulate demographics for political gain, highlighting fears over white majority loss by 2050. This is intertwined with U.S. diversity growth, driven by immigration and varying birth rates, which politicians are acutely aware of, particularly during an election year where government roles and personal freedoms are hotly contested.

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Narcissist Billionaire Bill Ackman Makes Outrageous Claim Against Martin Luther King Jr.

Bill Ackman the narcissistic Billionaire makes the ludicrous assertion that Martin Luther King jr. would have opposed diversity equity and inclusion efforts. Bill Ackman’s claim is not supported by historical evidence. In fact, Martin Luther King Jr. was a staunch advocate for civil rights and equality for all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, or background. His work with Operation Breadbasket, an organization dedicated to economic empowerment and equal opportunities for African Americans, demonstrates his commitment to addressing systemic inequalities. Operation Breadbasket, founded in 1962, aimed to improve economic conditions in African American communities by negotiating with businesses for better job opportunities, wages, and community investment. King recognized that economic injustice was deeply intertwined with racial discrimination and understood the importance of economic empowerment as a means to achieve social justice. King’s support for Operation Breadbasket and his broader civil rights activism clearly contradict Ackman’s assertion that King would oppose diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. King’s vision was one of inclusivity and equality, where all individuals would have the opportunity to thrive regardless of their background. Martin’s impetus during his lifetime is in stark opposition to Bill Ackman’s selfish hell-bound greedy agenda. Therefore, it is misleading to suggest that King’s principles align with Ackman’s viewpoint.

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Gen-Zers Turning Lemons into Lemonade

Social media platforms like TikTok are known for their unpredictability, and trends can emerge rapidly and gain momentum among users. It’s possible that individuals within the Gen Z demographic or others may have shared their experiences of getting fired on TikTok, and if these videos gained traction, they could potentially become viral sensations. Factors such as the relatability of the content, the storytelling ability of the creator, and broader cultural shifts could contribute to the popularity of such videos. Furthermore, we always should question ourselves; are these comedic reenactments or is it real, well based on percentages if it’s a minority chances are it’s real. But either way if you think you’re getting fired be ready; make sure ya looking good: make-up, hair done, nails, dress attire immaculate, then its lights camera action, put on a show this is your chance to really shine turn that lemon into lemonade. Have ya phone camera ready, you never know; ya might go viral and start a whole new career for yourself then you can get on television or a podcast and tell your story of who the asshole was that called you a derogatory name or tried to make your life a living hell or how you never had a realistic chance of ever getting a promotion no matter how hard you worked. So if your boss calls you to his office and he starts the conversation with, “Sure is raining hard out there today.” Chances are you’re getting FIRED. Just sayin!

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Endorsing Trump

  We explore the reasons behind Tim Scott’s endorsement of Donald Trump for President of the United States. Tim Scott, a prominent Republican senator, has recently voiced his support for Trump, and in this video, we delve into the factors and considerations that led to this endorsement. Join us as we analyze the political landscape and discuss the significant aspects that have influenced Tim Scott’s decision to endorse Donald Trump for the presidency. Whether it’s aligning on policy goals, economic perspectives, or the handling of critical issues, we break down the key factors shaping this endorsement.    

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Trump Threatens Insurrection Act of 1807

If Donald Trump is Re-elected he could enact The Insurrection Act of 1807  which empowers the President to deploy active-duty military personnel within the United States to suppress insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful obstruction of the law, or any situation where normal enforcement of laws is hindered. However, its use on American soil is a highly sensitive and contentious matter due to concerns about the militarization of civil issues and potential infringement on civil liberties. The Act was most notably invoked during the Civil Rights era by President Eisenhower to enforce desegregation orders in the South and during other moments of civil unrest, such as the Los Angeles riots in 1992. Former President Trump’s reference to the Insurrection Act has elicited mixed reactions from various quarters. Critics argue that its use could undermine democratic norms and potentially exacerbate tensions, while supporters argue it might be necessary to restore law and order in certain situations.     #DonaldTrump #InsurrectionAct #USPolitics #Constitution #CivilRights #LawAndOrder #Militarization #CivilLiberties #DomesticViolence #LegalAnalysis #PoliticalDebate

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“Empowering Black Pride: A Song of Resilience, Faith, and Overcoming Racism”

In this powerful website post, we explore the inspirational song that encapsulates the essence of Black Pride, resilience, and the unwavering faith that helps individuals overcome the discouragement and racism that still persist in our world. Join us as we dive into the profound lyrics and heartfelt melody that remind us of the strength within, the importance of understanding racism, and the role of faith in circumventing obstacles imposed by those who view us as subhuman. Discover the music that ignites the spirit and fuels the fight for equality and justice. The heart of this message lies in the profound scripture of Isaiah 41:10, serving as a beacon of hope and a reminder of divine strength in the face of adversity. Discover how this song and verse work together to embolden the spirit and ignite a passion for change. #BlackPride #Resilience #FaithOverFear #EndRacism  

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Oh The Nerve

Join us in this uproarious parody of reality shows like “The Bachelor” as we take you on a wild, wacky, and sometimes awkward journey of love and laughter. In a world where roses are the ultimate prize, our bachelor is a shining example of hilariously bad decision-making. From cringe-worthy pickup lines to quirky contestants with outlandish personalities, you won’t believe the chaos that unfolds in this cartoon reality show. Watch as the bachelorettes compete for the heart of our “Golden Bachelor,” all while hilariously failing at finding true love. Who will win his heart, or will it end in a laugh-out-loud disaster? If you love comedy, cartoons, and absurd parodies, this is the video for you! Don’t forget to hit that like button, subscribe for more outrageous content, and share with your friends. Get ready to ROFL and make your day brighter with “The Golden Bachelor”!

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Trump, Vivek, and Tucker Carlson all Scandalous Snake Charmer’s

These two Snake charmer’s Tucker Carlson and Vivek Ramaswamy are planning and executing a diabolical scheme, these two are a match made in hell. Tee Nerve British host of (Oh the Nerve) gives his commentary on this episode called (Snake Charmers). The said idiot’s have a world domination agenda both working to help make Trump a King. If America turns into a Trump dictatorship it won’t bode well for African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, or Indians be careful what you ask for cause there’s a chance these autocrats might succeed. We are a weekly digital standup commentary show about politics and culture you can find us at sign up at our websites and get videos sent directly to your inbox. or subscribe here!!!

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Affinity for Trump Misguided

These colored Trump supporters have addiction and other mental health issues that need immediate care. Tea Nerve British host of (Oh the Nerve) gives his commentary on this episode called (Affinity for Trump). The said idiot that’s pushing a Trump agenda claims they’re working to help make Trump a King. If America turns into a Trump dictatorship it won’t bode well for African Americans, Hispanics or Asians be careful what you ask for cause there’s a chance it might happen. We are a weekly digital standup commentary show about politics and culture you can find us at or sign up at our websites and get videos sent directly to your inbox. or subscribe here!!!

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The Grace of Free Will

In the Balance Due podcast, the Minister of Balance explores free will as a precious gift, particularly in challenging times. The minister urges the use of this freedom to love, serve, and spread positivity, referencing Isaiah 48:18 to emphasize the choice to follow God’s commands and advocating for a live-and-let-live philosophy.

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The Spirit Train

The Spirit Train Song produced by Rodney Holt is a 21st century renaissance of objective thought. A way of compartmentalizing your stress and discomfort somewhat of a soul trainer preparing your spirit for the heavenly travel to the pearly gates equipped with a free spirit and your Conductor; The Minister of Balance is declaring your mind free.  2nd Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

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23 and Me; My Personal Infrastructure

In this podcast episode, The Minister of Balance will share how his self-reflection gave purpose and direction. He was not prepared for the uncertainty of life, which is what a sound relationship with God does, it gives you that breastplate of righteousness amid a storm. The Minister says, “Now that I look back, it was a full circle experience. The problem was I didn’t have what I call my personal infrastructure in place. I didn’t have the proper coordination of human resources or recognize the tools that were available. Therefore, I didn’t have the money growth I was expecting. My priorities weren’t being properly managed from the top all the way to the bottom. The healthy living; the food, the exercise, the creative space, the spiritual space, the relationship space, and the career space and finally a place for uncertainty.” Now, The Minister has a personal infrastructure in place a (perpetual maintenance process). Tune in with Balance Due, let’s take this journey together as we continue to seek knowledge, share stories, and accept discipline. So, in the end we will all be counted together among the wise.

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Happy Holidays: Merry Christmas and I wish you all a Happy up and coming New Year. This is a Christmas gift in music use this song as Praise to God to inspire the best in ourselves and in others. Let’s use the box wrapped up as a present as a symbol of the Alabaster Box; give Jesus your all even if others don’t understand. Mary believed Jesus, she anointed him even before his death and burial. Mary teaches us to give the Lord our whole hearts and our whole lives. We are called to pick up our crosses and to follow Jesus. Matthew 16:24 says, “Then Jesus told his disciples, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Mary denied herself of her most valuable possession and gave Jesus her everything. All that this world has to offer us is nothing compared to the gifts Christ has in store for you.      

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Happy Halloween Fantasy

In this podcast episode, the Minister of Balance will share the story of Joe Sixpack a bored middle-aged man who gets addicted to his internet activities and decides to turn a fantasy into a reality. Henceforth, while surfing the net, in his gaming sphere, he stumbles across the handle Youngnhot, checks the profile and she’s just his type; blonde, blue eyed with an angelic face. So, they contemporaneously start chatting while gaming and it escalates into an online relationship, they fall in love rather quickly. Every moment he spends with her online, he feels like he’s rekindling the excitement of his youth.  In terms of his home life, he feels as though he’s just going through the motions, barely making ends meet, just working for his kids, the wife, and the mobile home. He feels like his only solace, is the time he spends on the internet. Tune in and find out how Joe Sixpack’s infatuation with fantasy turns deadly.

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And The Beat Goes On

In this podcast episode of the Minister of Balance your host and producer Rodney Holt will share the story of a Billionaire businessman Billy Con and a successful minority entertainment agent Willy Bo Jingles they both decide to team up on a business venture. To make a long story short Willy Bo decides to take a big risk; already one of the only minority agents at the biggest firm in Hollywood, decides to go out on a limb and start a new business. The reason, he wants to give his people a hand up and a happy smile and help grow minority economics. However, he found the effort to be more challenging than he first thought. However, Willy remained hopeful although his spirit is so besieged with anger from all the, hurt and pain that he’s endured over the years in his incredible climb up the corporate ladder. Willy’s unconceived notion that being in business for himself would open doors and change perceptions, is blatantly false he’s learning that racism is even more illuminated on that level. Tune in and find  how this story of two business partners from the opposite sides of the tracks culminates.  

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In this podcast episode of The Minister of Balance. Your Host and Producer Rodney Holt will share the story of two vainglorious narcissist who fall in love. The characters in this story, both in their 40’s, Ken Eagle, and Kim Candy fall in love, despite never really acknowledging their mental health imbalance. Ken thinks he’s the greatest unemployed rapper in the world. Furthermore, he’s known to have tantrums when he doesn’t get his way. Kim’s a perfectionist, very meticulous loves money more than life itself and how she’s perceived by others means the world to her. Both her and Ken are currently single and seeking some much-needed companionship. Now in regards to Kim the provocateur; selling sex, and her perceived good looks is the ultimate nature of her business and existence. What kind of example does that set for ordinary people? How are people with this materialistic mentality supposed to make a healthy transition into old age? Some of these answers and more will be illuminated on this podcast episode. So join us on this journey and god bless!  

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                                                                                  LED ASTRAY In this podcast episode of the minister of balance. Your Host and Producer Rodney Holt will share the story of a Selfish Manipulator, who has a history of leading his victims astray. Henceforth, the characters in this story, both in their 50’s, Jeanie Abler and Tank Moran move in together, despite meeting on a dating app and only knowing each other for a short period of time. Tank he’s in bad health with control issues and in financial distress constantly looking for a motherly figure to take care of his every whim. and Jeanie with her kids grown and on they own, she’s seeking some much-needed companionship. Needless to say, their vulnerabilities bring them together very quickly. Led Astray is a story that illuminates the perils of online dating. Jeanie was single, and ready to mingle and Tank was in survival mode. He was in the business of living off the good graces of others. He thinks he’s a Jedi Mind Expert, but he was up against a force way stronger than he thought. The point of inciting interest starts when Jeanie comes home after working a double shift and Tank lounging around is trying to exert control and dominance over a godly-women that was reaching her tipping point. Tune in and find out how this relationship culminates.

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Adrenaline Rush

In this podcast episode of the minister of balance. Your Host and producer Rodney Holt will share the story of an Addiction escalation, precipitated by an Adrenaline rush. Henceforth, the characters in this story, both in their early 40’s, Liv apple and Lenny Owens quickly fall in love, despite of the long-distance relationship obstacle. He’s a recent divorcee with custody of two young boys and Liv the adrenaline junky is single with no kids and looking for some stability, they appear as a match made in heaven.  To make a long story short They fall in love, they were inseparable. When Lenny returned to California, They stayed in contact. And Liv she was single, and ready to mingle. I mean when they weren’t together physically, they were either texting or talking, after approximately three weeks they were in a full-blown relationship. Lenny at the time they met, he was divorced and overwhelmed. He had a business to run and full custody of two young boys. And desperately seeking a partner. So, her new boo, Lenny comes home from work earlier than expected and Liv’s sitting on the porch and Lenny sees the repow man driving off with his car attached to the back. Tune in and find out how this relationship culminates.

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The Underfunded Wedding Proposal

  Join us and listen to this podcast episode of Balance Due. We will introduce our first segment of (The Minister of Balance) in it, we will share a story about a couple in love and the grooms impending underfunded wedding proposal. We will address the question, are people more in love with the idea of marriage more so than the actual institution? People are getting married a lot less than in the past years. Furthermore, marriages are more inclined to end in divorce than in the past. Now it’s less than 50 percent success rate. Does the current state of social media culture and finances play a role in the results? Does religion and therapy play an integral role in the success factor? God says in Isaiah 43:2   “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you when you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you. The Lord has promised never to leave us nor forsake us, no matter what life may throw at us.

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Social Civil War

The Social Civil War podcast episode discusses the negative impact of divisive rhetoric in media and social networks, advocating for better communication and wealth distribution to transform polarization into civil discourse. The host, The Minister of Balance, insists society can be productive despite differences, noting the devastation of America’s past civil war.

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Magic Letter

  This music is my Christmas song (just for you) called Magic Letter if you truly believe and you live your life according to Gods will, this transformational letter written by you, will become your reality. If you believe, pray, and meditate, those words will magically come to life. This song I produced through God using me as a source solely for the purpose of inspireing motivation to the dispirited during these tough times. However, you need to understand the Lord sees and hears all and when you serve and represent him properly unfortunately your enemies will increase and form more weapons against you. But the Bible say’s in   Isaiah 54:17 17     no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the Lord.   So, hold on, be strong have faith and continue to do gods work here on this temporary dwelling called the Planet Earth where nothing is as it really appears. Happy Holiday’s stay Blessed and Praise God Every-day!    

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The Root of All Evil

This soon to be released music (The Root of all Evil) is a part of the musical ministry a song about how money is the root of all evil. I consider myself an egalitarian. I believe in equality for all however I also see the decline in the American dream. The wealth disparity in this country is beyond alarming. The top one percent own almost half of all the wealth in this country, this is a recipe for disaster, greed is one of the 7 deadly sins. Matthew 16:26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? The Gospel story regarding the rich man and Jesus is an increasingly relevant parable on which to reflect. Its anti-materialistic message is in stark contrast to the consumer-driven society we live in today. Jesus elaborates that following the Ten Commandments is not enough to truly be one with God and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Rather, only by giving up our material possessions will the holy gates be opened for us. Jesus’ teachings, challenges us to look deep inside ourselves and uncover what is most important in our lives. Jesus implies that the rich are distinguished by what they choose to value. A rich man’s primary concern is to make himself look better compared to everyone else, and society convinces him to demonstrate his worth by buying the fanciest cars and the biggest houses, therefore he is more inclined to praise his possessions and money more so than a relationship with God. This song (The Root of all Evil) is about overcoming adversity, all can be…

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Waiting to Exhale from The Capital Hill Riot

Join us in this podcast episode as The Minister of Balance gives a unique musical sermon on how African Americans have once again helped save Democracy from Authoritarian rule yet still aren’t able to fully enjoy the fruits of the American experience still left wondering when White America will except them as equal partners. Blacks are left wondering where do we go from here in terms of surviving in these two different americas? Whats left of this very fragile democracy after the mob attack on Capital Hill in Washington D.C. and how can we as black people bring back the pride and love we should display toward each other and fight as a team against this Jim Crow 21st century strategy of racism that apparently will remain an integral part of the American brand now that the vail has been lifted worldwide. Lastly, the role black women have played in the history of America how they should be honored, how they have endured terrible treatment from the powers that be and have continuously risen above the fray to contribute greatly to the wealth of America. God Bless R.I.P. Eric Jerome Dickey

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The Promise Land Acquired

  If you keep your promise to the lord you can acquire spiritual wealth and riches. First god commanded that Israel, the name of the new nation had to trust and follow him. Secondly god demanded faithful worship. Nothing in life is free if you want the godly riches you have to be loyal and faithful to god. In this podcast episode we will discuss how we can apply the promise to our lives in todays perilous and polarizing environment. Proverbs 19:20 Listen to the advice and accept discipline and at the end you will be counted among the wise. God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving!

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Aging Gracefully Part 1

In this episode of Aging Gracefully we discuss how to face and confront the challenges everyday life presents. Tune in and find out some of the best strategies for counteracting the many perils that come to the forefront with aging. Let’s explore together the possibilities of a better quality of life for the future. Thank you for supporting Balance Due organization. We need your continued support whether it’s liking, sharing, writing a review or donating to our programs.  

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Internet Addiction Part 1

In this episode of Internet addiction we discuss the signs, symptoms and treatments. Tune in and find out how the time you spend online can be hazardous to your health. We also have some original inspiring music. Thank you Supporting Balance Due organization. We really appreciate your support whether it’s liking, sharing, writing a review or donating to one of our programs. Let’s take this journey together folks.

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Elon Musk Gets Mocked

Elon Musk is always in the news for his mercurial behavior. According to reports Musk is currently being sued by Don Lemon for the fastest firing on planet earth: Don Lemon’s Show getting Axed on X within 30 seconds. Furthermore, Musk is also under fire for sharing an AI-generated video of presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris saying ridiculous things. The video went viral and sparked discussions about the role of fake images in influencing potential voters. Yet he still has his sycophants that praise and kiss his ass every chance they get. But anyway, Musk is all over the place he recently introduced an AI chatbot called Grok, which he claims does a better job at responding to questions and queries than its competitors. The Irony: Grok doesn’t hold back when asked to roast Musk, when queried it reply’s Elon Musk is a narcissist prick. Additionally, Musk has been training what he calls “the world’s most powerful AI” at xAI’s new supercomputer facility in Memphis, Tennessee. The “Memphis Supercluster” supposedly features 100,000 liquid-cooled GPUs and aims to achieve significant advancements in AI training by December this year. However, there have been concerns about its impact on the local power grid and infrastructure. Not to mention all the jobs that will be lost for humans in the near and present future as a result… ~Balance Due

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The Killing of Sonya Massey

Sonya Massey the 36-year-old Black woman in her Illinois home this month was shot and killed by a responding officer after she called 911 because she thought there was an intruder in her home, according to officials. The deputy involved in the fatal shooting of Sonya Massey, Sean Grayson, did not follow police protocol. According to reports, Grayson was fired from the force because he ‘did not act as trained or in accordance with police standards’. Additionally, he has been charged with first-degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm, and official misconduct. It’s a tragic situation, and the case is still under investigation. Sean Grayson, the deputy involved in the fatal shooting had a history of breaches of police protocol and other misconduct. His record includes two DUI charges, one while he was enlisted in the U.S. Army. He worked for six different law enforcement agencies in four years. During his tenure with various departments, he faced complaints and disciplinary actions, including a vehicle chase that violated department policy and allegations of inappropriate behavior and abuse of power. Lastly, the family of Sonya Massey is calling for a probe into the hiring of a sheriff’s deputy charged with the fatally shooting. ~ Balance Due 

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