
Biden Drops Out: Chaos In Uncharted Waters. 

No Duopoly has ever needed a makeover more than the current two-party American system. Biden drops out and just endorsed, Kamala Harris. So now, Let the Games Begin. 

My thoughts both the Democrats and the Republicans are out of touch with the main electorate. 70 percent of Americans don’t approve of either candidate for president. Now that percentage is subject to change depending on who becomes the democratic candidate that replaces Biden. I can assume it’s goanna be Kamala, but I don’t know how this complicated situation will evolve. I’ll gauge public sentiment within the next couple of days.

But I know this much, everyday working-class Americans’ especially the minorities are starting to inquire more frequently; Why do we continue to support either party, things never get better although the media and politicians state otherwise. Furthermore, why do the parties only seem interested in the plight of the coloreds when votes are needed, once they think they have them then they spew middle class talking points and never address the poor and now both parties have created laws that criminalized the homeless? The customary routine of both parties is outdated (Too Establishment) and the people are waking up to the failed disingenuous strategy. The confluence of the two-party river that always ends up together in the same direction benefiting the same race. People want a viable third option!!!

But anyway, I believe Biden did the right thing by dropping out. He’s an establishment politician and it’s time to reinvent what that means. The infrastructure; the ideology, the personnel; The (go along to get along) establishment strategy which rarely changes. Not much difference between the two-parties. And now that Kamala has been crowned by the powers that be watching her campaign and interview it’s just more of the same identity politics.

In my eyes the democrats are the lesser of two evils but not by much maybe a modicum. I’ll tell you this much; The American working-class people feel as though they are completely being ignored by both parties, I think people really yearn for some realness not just more of the same, another recycled establishment politician. The republicans are all in with the racist rhetoric and aristocracy chances are that will never change, and I reiterate that’s why we need a third-party option. We need politicians that put the working-class first not AIPAC and the rich. It’s real obvious neither of the 2 party duopoly will ever present any true genuine candidates just puppets.

If anything, we’ve learned from all this disunity and chaos here in America and abroad specifically in Gaza, is how much control the donor class, lobbyist and political action committees really hold, they’re directing the American agenda that must change. 

There’s more than enough money in America to fix the ailments that continue to plague the US. However, the only scheme that ever really changes; the recycled characters and the bullshit talking points from figureheads and puppets on behalf of the powerbrokers. 

But now, with the proliferation of information and other alternatives to the major networks, now people can assess, express and at least get a semblance of the truth if they choose to, they also have the option if they want, to espouse it.

But right now, people are stressed out, and rightfully so, with all the propaganda and the overconsumption of misinformation mainly from the major mainstream networks.

The democrats desperately need to circumvent the inertia and come up with a unique and different platform. Maybe they’re moving in the right direction we shall soon see. I would suggest putting a working-class candidate in the fold to at least debate, not all establishment candidates. Whoever gets the selection for president must speak the language of the working-class, no word salad, no platitudes and finally, no lies, this is the Renaissance; the truth shall rise, and the lies shall turn to dust. 

I questioned some voters; I said, “how do you feel about today’s 21st century politicians.” And they replied, “Majority of the politicians just (go along to get along.) And if that’s what they must do, to fulfill their ambitions or to feed their families or maybe they just hold the same type of belief system as the power brokers, then hey, who am I to judge or knock it. Hey, the different pallet of colors aren’t all monolithic and not all skin folk are kinfolk.” Unquote. Amazingly most of the people I spoke with replied with the same sentiment give or take a few sentences. 

But I believe the democrats know they must be more salient, and they are running out of time. The dem party is currently on life support if they aren’t competitive with no clear message soon, it will be the final nail in the coffin for that party because credibility with them is already very suspect, but soon it will completely disappear, at least with their main diversity base.

Right now, people are still really wondering what the dem party stands for, but I’ll predict what their next move is. I think Kamala will take the reins they will give a short illusion of a primary and she will make Pete Buttigieg her vice president and that’s the ticket that very well might bring some new energy and excitement, it would for sure bring a better level of coherent communication to the campaign, but will that be a winning ticket; maybe, maybe not. The other question is, if either party wins? Will it have any true comprehensive change for the working-class other than the optics. Maybe, maybe not.

But either way; my opinions on this subject matter are privy to me. I would never discourage anyone from voting or expressing their truth through the ballot box, it’s much too importantPeople have died for the right to vote.

I’ll share this much, what upsets me, how the cosmetics of America are becoming ugly and smeared by The Establishment politicians and their greedy benefactors they are chipping away at the very essence of what makes USA unique and beautiful, the Boldness, the Risk, the Debate and the Diversity.  I believe it’s time for a serious change by both dem and rep parties.

However, right now The optics of the current democratic platform is indicative, of an old and tired strategy and that’s no knock on the current president’s age. I don’t care how tough or talented somebody is, nobody can kick father-times ass. Getting old is not for the faint at heart. Its best to embrace it, reinvent your agenda, redirect your priorities and spend more quality time with family, friends and get closer to God. ~Balance Due


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