Seattle is in need of Economic Harmony

In this Balance Due podcast episode, your host Seattle Mayoral Candidate 2021 Rodney Holt will define Economic Harmony the characteristic all of us need in order to make this big comeback and subvert the effects of the polarization and pandemic. He’s arguing, the only impetus we’re currently receiving from politicians is a verbose amount of whitewashing and a whole lot of hypocrisy. As a result, he feels that we need to reexamine our history. The whitewashing of the Capitol Hill Riots is shameful. He wonders how different that scenario would’ve played out if Barrack Obama was the president who incited the melee, and the Black Panthers were at the Capital disputing the election results. He figures the politicians would have then come together to form the January 6th Capital Hill Riot Commission on that same day and proceeded with a public hanging and I’m not goanna say whose neck would’ve been in that noose.