Ronnie Wiggs, of Independence, Mo., was charged with second-degree murder in the strangling death of his wife, who was in the hospital for dialysis treatment, records show. 

The man, Ronnie Wiggs, 75, of Independence, Mo., recently appeared in court on a second-degree murder charge. His bond of 250,000 is currently being reviewed. 

The dead woman Ellen Wiggs, 72, had been admitted to the CenterPoint Medical Center in Independence, a suburb southeast of Kansas City, Mo., for a new port for her dialysis, according to charging documents and other public records.

At about 7:30 p.m. that week, Ms. Wiggs, was seen in her room “alert and oriented,” according to court records. Around an hour later, records show a “code blue” call, that means according to the said hospital, that a patient is in cardiac or respiratory arrest. When the staff checked on her, she was unresponsive and did not have a pulse, according to charging documents. 

Now, what strikes me as being odd about this whole situation other than the obvious which is, him being crazy for killing his sick wife. Is the fact he gives the reason for the killing to the authorities, right from the jump. He told em straight up, “look here I don’t like paying late fees.”

This sounds like a future episode tailor made for the True Crime Network. Cause most of the episodes usually include the same type of plot; white man owes money, kills family, collects insurance money, runs off with his mistress. The main characters sometimes Black or sometimes Hispanic but mainly White. The reason, I think some white males they freak out when they can’t pay the bills, in its entirety. It’s all about the perceived perception of success, I guess there’s pressure that comes with that selfish narcissistic superiority complex.  

Like most people of all races they associate cash with success, so with that thought process all cards are on the table when it comes to getting money, that’s the philosophy. Therefore, if the funds get tight, then you turn from a person into a line item on that expense report; Could be the wife, kids, parents, business partners; got to go, got to go. Cause in some instances they need that extra dough to pay off, Ponzi schemes, embezzlement, strip club expenditures. 

I have deduced from historical data white males are sometimes victims of their own perceived success. For example, whites in America are the majority population in the United States something like 63 percent, a lot of the MCK’s Male Caucasian killers get too much leeway in this two-tiered justice system, so much so, it can sometimes work against them, case in point; now there’s a serious white population decline. And according to data you can’t blame it all on immigration.

Now some white people, the majority race in the USA abuse and exploit that advantage. Now with majority population it’s easier to implement systemic or structural racism. They can use mainstream media to propagandize lies and deeply ingrain those attitudes that perpetuate stereotypes, turn them into beliefs that influence policies, practices, and interactions. Furthermore, those perspectives and norms can shape institutions, laws, and cultural narratives. This influence in other words bolsters and preserves systemic racism and public sentiment goes along way.

Throughout American history explicit policies like slavery, and segregation reinforces disadvantages for Black Americans still to this day they disproportionately affect opportunities, networks, education, wealth, health, and legal treatment even as population diversifies.

Now I’ll explain how this all ties together it’s a perfect example of how the two tiered justice system works. What usually happens on most of these true crime shows; The crime comes off as a mystery but anybody with any common sense usually knows right away it’s not a mystery. 

The actual Male Caucasian Killer that hasn’t been found out yet in most of these true crime stories usually makes a public statement, does a couple of press conferences, acts interested in finding, himself. He’ll even post and pass out some flyers and act like he’s looking for his wife, when its abundantly obvious he knows where she is. Then we have the authorities the police, they act completely oblivious to the facts; they usually give the Male Caucasian Killer a pass on the first marriage when his wife is missing. The second marriage 50 50 chance there’s an investigation. The third marriage wife’s missing again, then the lead detective finally says, “Well yeah, Bob I think we need to look into this.” Sometimes you get mad watching it, you’re thinking to yourself, “The husband did it, everybody knows it, why aren’t they arresting him, even his own mother thinks he’s guilty.”  Then the authorities finally interview the mother on Public TV and ask, “what was he like as a kid?” The mother replies, “Oh, he was wonderful, knew what he wanted to be at a very young age, a Taxidermist.”    

I remember one time, on another one of those True Crime episodes it was so obvious the husband did it, on the TV interview the husband was still wearing the bloody t-shirt, that he killed his family in. Telling the reporters, “if ya know anything please call, we have a finder’s fee for anybody with any pertinent information.”

Most True Crime episodes contain the same format. According to data the MCK usually gives it a few weeks, then the Modus Operandi kicks in, he makes off with the life Insurance money and the mistress. Just like the random Hispanic immigrant said, “don’t blame the homeboys for the population decrease. Stop killing ya Familia.” 

The statistics support the comment made by the Random Hispanic immigrant. To many white women are getting killed by white men. Look here, we can kill two birds with one stone, number 1 stop killing ya significant other, number 2 give women back their reproductive rights so they have a choice in the matter. By not giving women a choice in the matter chances are they might start breeding more serial killers and that aint good for the population. Listen to the advice of the random Hispanic immigrant after all they have the highest population increase to date in the USA.

I queried some different nationalities on this subject matter. So, I’m collectively quoting the most popular responses and I did some extensive research on the matter. So, you can throw out the Tucker Carlson replacement theory and the white nationalist rhetoric. Here’s the deal. I reiterate The Hispanic population in America is increasing at a faster rate than any other race and the white race is decreasing at a faster rate than any other in USA.

Simple Math: the Hispanics are making love while a lot of whites are killing. 

I recently interviewed a white guy in prison for killing his whole family. I asked him, “Why,” he said, “Cause, they were home.” but then I asked, “how could this have been prevented?” And he was brutally honest, I’ll have to admit, it made perfect sense. He said, “His wife should have checked the mailbox.” 

So, white ladies if your married to a white-guy you better check that mailbox, that’s your information highway, tells you where your future lies. It all makes sense.

If there’s any bills in the mailbox you as a family can’t cover, right away, ladies just pack ya shit, don’t tell nobody where ya going. Now this is for your own safety. Cause as proven by this story, and the killer I interviewed. In furtherance, if you’ve ever watched the True Crime Network the statement has been confirmed. White men don’t like paying late fees. if they can’t pay the bill in its entirety, according to research chances are there’s goanna be a further decrease in the population. 

That’s why white woman you better check that mailbox and don’t ask your white husband to many questions. If the funds are getting low and the relationship with your significant other is getting contentious, don’t ask questions that start with the word why, cause that word breeds contempt, so why bother. All the info you need is in the mailbox, just start packing ya shit. You can always officially break up later once your safe and sound in a secure location. 

Based upon my research a lot of people think politicians should produce a bill that requires extra protection for women I THINK IT WOULD help redirect the decline in population. We can call it, the code white bill, something more comprehensive for the spouse, something more severe than a restraining order. Something like a witness protection plan but more comprehensive.  The policy; Get in one dispute with your significant other; you qualify. All you do is call up the authorities, they come scoop you up, change your identity and move you to an undisclosed location. All in one day.

Just keep in mind, if you’re a white woman always remember to Check The Mailbox, that way you get a heads-up, just in case your significant other is planning a spontaneous camping trip or boat ride, you know you can’t afford…~Balance Due