Tim Scott’s warning to Nikki Haley, a proclamation from his boss, “Hey woman, my boss says, it’s time to go away.” Tim Scott has pledged complete fealty to Donald Trump despite the role Nikki Haley played in the success of his career. Nikki Haley played a significant role in Tim Scott’s political career in South Carolina. In 2010, when Haley was running for governor of South Carolina, she endorsed Tim Scott in his bid for South Carolina’s 1st Congressional District seat. This endorsement provided Scott with visibility and support within the Republican Party and helped him secure the nomination and ultimately win the seat. After Scott was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, Haley continued to support him and work alongside him as he served in Congress. When a vacancy arose in the U.S. Senate in 2013, due to the resignation of Senator Jim DeMint, Haley appointed Tim Scott to fill the seat. This appointment made Tim Scott the first African American senator from South Carolina since Reconstruction and the only African American currently serving in the U.S. Senate. The aforementioned, is further proof you can never trust a token or sell-out they will always do what they feel is best for their career as opposed to any kind of moral consideration. To be honest Tim Scott’s endorsement of Trump really won’t make any difference because blacks have no reverence for Tim Scott. However, as it pertains to her campaign If Nikki Haley would have been on the same trajectory as she is now, crying and finally telling some truth as it pertains to Trump, she would have been by far the best candidate and therefore would have a better…
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