Bill Belichick, the former New England Patriots coach, has been dating Jordon Hudson, a 24-year-old former cheerleader, since early 2023. Their relationship became public in June 2024. They say some pundits and celebrities have spewed discontent behind closed doors. Now it’s understandable, but behind closed doors what do the old men and old women really think, could they just be jealous.

People may find the age difference noteworthy (Hudson is 48 years younger than Belichick), but she’s legally an adult it’s ultimately a personal matter. People’s opinions on such relationships can vary widely.

Although, I think it’s unfair that people and the media outlets aren’t sharing the same sentiment toward the famous singer Cher, who is currently dating a much younger man. It’s appears the younger man is perceived as someone that’s using Cher, with the pundits painting a picture of improprieties. Now Belichick he’s also being seen in a bad light. The media is painting him as being a dirty old man, doesn’t seem very fair.

Now according to news outlets, Belichick and Jordan were first spotted together heading toward Nantucket. I thought it was odd, Belichick and his new girlfriend were first spotted there. The Media said, He whisked her away on his boat. My perception, I think Belichick was purveying to the public, I’m 72 years old I don’t give a shit what people think; fuckit I’m riding her all the way to Nantucket.

Now, news agencies are reporting from a reliable source that Bill is becoming infatuated because Belichick just bought her a new 75,000-dollar Porsche. 

I think Jordan Hudson knows what she’s doing plus she has a history of dating old men. Some younger women prefer older men, hell the guy is 72 years old and rich, he can’t take the money with him when he dies. Why not be generous with it and have some legal fun in the meantime.

Most parents are importantly concerned with, how the person their daughter selects treats her, as opposed to how they look or how old they are. Would you rather have a young man mistreating your daughter or an old man that’s treating her real well, from that perspective age don’t matter, besides it’s her decision. If she’s an adult there’s nothing the parent can do about it anyway, it’s her life.

I just have one piece of advice for the coach (just have fun), take it for what it’s worth. She’s just enamored by your fame and wealth believe me she doesn’t really want the responsibility of caring for an elderly man, especially at her age. 

I recommend Belichick watching the T.V. show, Scorned; love kills. He can get some good coaching there. They have some good (what not to get involved with plot lines) as it relates to an old rich men dating a very young ambitious women. 

My last piece of advice to Belichick, don’t get married, stay away from the sweet tea and just have fun. ~Balance Due