Project 2025 is Trump’s controversial plan raising public concerns as it relates to the perpetual perception of American democracy. 

Project 2025 is nothing more than white nationalist blueprint designed to solidify systemic racism in America, in other words a more blatant 21st century Jim crow genocide against people of color, women, and the disabled. Its primary focus; remaking U.S. government agencies using white nationalist family values as a blueprint, in other words the southern white evangelical belief system.  

Trump and the 2025 republican plan aims to eliminate all programs and guardrails for people of color, women and the disabled. The plan proposes to reassert the authoritarian role of the President in all areas of policymaking.

Trump’s team deduced with their 2025 white nationalist doctrine; by replacing civil servants with political appointees that pass his loyalty test. They can eliminate civil liberties as it relates to the poor, people of color, women and the disabled.

In Trump’s doctrine they want to operate without strict adherence to laws and constitutions. Trump’s Project 2025 plan aims to eliminate the U.S. Department of Education, deregulate big businesses, increase Arctic drilling, and expedite capital punishment. 

Minorities like to call Trump’s Project 2025 plan the 21st century version of the Reichstag Fire Decree, which severely curtailed the liberties and rights of German citizens. Using the decree, Hitler began eliminating his political opponents. Following its passage, Hitler began arguing for more drastic means to curtail political opposition and proposed the Enabling Act of 1933. Once enacted this law gave the German government the power to override individual rights prescribed by the constitution and vested the Chancellor (Hitler) with emergency powers to pass and enforce laws without parliamentary oversight. 

See the similarities, this is the same type of Future, Trump, the Republican party and his lackeys envision. Project 2025 is nothing more than a framework of white national doctrinarian. ~Balance Due