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A Surefire Match Made in Hell

Donald Trump met with Elon Musk to solicit campaign donations for his 2024 presidential run, prompting fears of a partnership that could undermine democracy, ethics, and equality. Critics predict market instability and a widening wealth gap, as both figures have histories of controversial policies and statements. Their potential alliance could exacerbate nationalist tendencies and ethical issues in AI and space exploration, threatening transparency and fundamental rights.

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Declaring War on Women’s Rights

The debate surrounding Roe v. Wade and embryo status is influenced by various factors, including beliefs about individual rights, state authority, and unborn protection. Some argue that Republican attacks on women’s rights aim to manipulate demographics for political gain, highlighting fears over white majority loss by 2050. This is intertwined with U.S. diversity growth, driven by immigration and varying birth rates, which politicians are acutely aware of, particularly during an election year where government roles and personal freedoms are hotly contested.

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“Recent political upset: Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley loses”

“Recent political upset: Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley loses Nevada primary to ‘None of the Candidates’ vote.” As of my last update in January 2022, it’s challenging to predict specific pathways for individuals to win the American presidency, as it depends on various factors such as political landscape, public opinion, campaign strategies, and potential candidates running against them. Nikki Haley remains a prominent figure in the Republican Party, and if she decides to run for president in the future, her pathway to victory would depend on how she positions herself, builds support within the party, and addresses the issues important to voters. It’s essential to stay updated on current political developments to assess any potential pathways for her or any other candidate.

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Dragon’s Kite

    The Lord Jesus Christ was tempted by the devil for 40 days and 40 nights. What appeared in the wilderness as a life of pure luxury was just an illusion. People are losing their natural minds by their addiction to the celebrity spotlight always seeking attention by recording obnoxious and crazy behavior all for the reaction, likes, comments or money deals. Here are three poetic lines and a scripture; Don’t dance with the devil just to get to the next perceived level. If you rub shoulders with the devil a downfall is inevitable. Want to be like a popular celebrity in every sense, that can be a sin (a direct slight on the lord’s creation), true beauty comes from deep within. 1 Peter 1:24   For, “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall. The New Song: The Dragon’s Kite: you hoping and praying that you might, float all the way to the top, nonstop don’t matter how it’s got? Although no one is perfect please remember faith help us grow wiser and better prepares us for the moment when we face our own temptations. Always be thankful for what god gave you in all aspects of your life. Don’t assume you want to have someone else’s life because you can only imagine what their life is truly like, you never know what’s beyond the surface.

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The Grace of Free Will

In the Balance Due podcast, the Minister of Balance explores free will as a precious gift, particularly in challenging times. The minister urges the use of this freedom to love, serve, and spread positivity, referencing Isaiah 48:18 to emphasize the choice to follow God’s commands and advocating for a live-and-let-live philosophy.

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Happy Halloween Fantasy

In this podcast episode, the Minister of Balance will share the story of Joe Sixpack a bored middle-aged man who gets addicted to his internet activities and decides to turn a fantasy into a reality. Henceforth, while surfing the net, in his gaming sphere, he stumbles across the handle Youngnhot, checks the profile and she’s just his type; blonde, blue eyed with an angelic face. So, they contemporaneously start chatting while gaming and it escalates into an online relationship, they fall in love rather quickly. Every moment he spends with her online, he feels like he’s rekindling the excitement of his youth.  In terms of his home life, he feels as though he’s just going through the motions, barely making ends meet, just working for his kids, the wife, and the mobile home. He feels like his only solace, is the time he spends on the internet. Tune in and find out how Joe Sixpack’s infatuation with fantasy turns deadly. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | Pandora | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSS | More

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And The Beat Goes On

In this podcast episode of the Minister of Balance your host and producer Rodney Holt will share the story of a Billionaire businessman Billy Con and a successful minority entertainment agent Willy Bo Jingles they both decide to team up on a business venture. To make a long story short Willy Bo decides to take a big risk; already one of the only minority agents at the biggest firm in Hollywood, decides to go out on a limb and start a new business. The reason, he wants to give his people a hand up and a happy smile and help grow minority economics. However, he found the effort to be more challenging than he first thought. However, Willy remained hopeful although his spirit is so besieged with anger from all the, hurt and pain that he’s endured over the years in his incredible climb up the corporate ladder. Willy’s unconceived notion that being in business for himself would open doors and change perceptions, is blatantly false he’s learning that racism is even more illuminated on that level. Tune in and find  how this story of two business partners from the opposite sides of the tracks culminates. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | Pandora | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSS | More

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