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Affinity for Trump Misguided

These colored Trump supporters have addiction and other mental health issues that need immediate care. Tea Nerve British host of (Oh the Nerve) gives his commentary on this episode called (Affinity for Trump). The said idiot that’s pushing a Trump agenda claims they’re working to help make Trump a King. If America turns into a Trump dictatorship it won’t bode well for African Americans, Hispanics or Asians be careful what you ask for cause there’s a chance it might happen. We are a weekly digital standup commentary show about politics and culture you can find us at or sign up at our websites and get videos sent directly to your inbox. or subscribe here!!!  

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Tyrone is gone too soon

This is a song about a man who had a gambling addiction. The situation got so bad he emerged himself in drugs to try and dull the pain and his problems spiraled even further out of control. Maybe if he wasn’t so ashamed of his transgressions he would have asked for help and rectified the situation. Never be to proud or embarrassed to seek help nobody comes perfectly packaged. We live, we learn, we love, we laugh. We weren’t designed to function all by ourselves we need each other for support. It says in the Bible 1 John 3:17 but if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need yet closes his heart against him how does god’s love abide in him.

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