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Bold Choices Verses Democratic Norms

The commentary urges President Biden to adopt bolder actions to protect American democracy, criticizing his inaction and lack of clear communication. It advocates for more engagement with the media, public, and grassroots movements. Highlighting the risk of an authoritarian America, it calls for decisive measures like Supreme Court reform and bold leadership to counteract Republicans’ undemocratic tendencies. Biden’s failure to eliminate the filibuster and direct the DOJ is seen as missing crucial opportunities to safeguard democracy.

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Dragon’s Kite

    The Lord Jesus Christ was tempted by the devil for 40 days and 40 nights. What appeared in the wilderness as a life of pure luxury was just an illusion. People are losing their natural minds by their addiction to the celebrity spotlight always seeking attention by recording obnoxious and crazy behavior all for the reaction, likes, comments or money deals. Here are three poetic lines and a scripture; Don’t dance with the devil just to get to the next perceived level. If you rub shoulders with the devil a downfall is inevitable. Want to be like a popular celebrity in every sense, that can be a sin (a direct slight on the lord’s creation), true beauty comes from deep within. 1 Peter 1:24   For, “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall. The New Song: The Dragon’s Kite: you hoping and praying that you might, float all the way to the top, nonstop don’t matter how it’s got? Although no one is perfect please remember faith help us grow wiser and better prepares us for the moment when we face our own temptations. Always be thankful for what god gave you in all aspects of your life. Don’t assume you want to have someone else’s life because you can only imagine what their life is truly like, you never know what’s beyond the surface.

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