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Biden Drops Out: Chaos In Uncharted Waters. 

No Duopoly has ever needed a makeover more than the current two-party American system. Biden drops out and just endorsed, Kamala Harris. So now, Let the Games Begin.  My thoughts both the Democrats and the Republicans are out of touch with the main electorate. 70 percent of Americans don’t approve of either candidate for president. Now that percentage is subject to change depending on who becomes the democratic candidate that replaces Biden. I can assume it’s goanna be Kamala, but I don’t know how this complicated situation will evolve. I’ll gauge public sentiment within the next couple of days. But I know this much, everyday working-class Americans’ especially the minorities are starting to inquire more frequently; Why do we continue to support either party, things never get better although the media and politicians state otherwise. Furthermore, why do the parties only seem interested in the plight of the coloreds when votes are needed, once they think they have them then they spew middle class talking points and never address the poor and now both parties have created laws that criminalized the homeless? The customary routine of both parties is outdated (Too Establishment) and the people are waking up to the failed disingenuous strategy. The confluence of the two-party river that always ends up together in the same direction benefiting the same race. People want a viable third option!!! But anyway, I believe Biden did the right thing by dropping out. He’s an establishment politician and it’s time to reinvent what that means. The infrastructure; the ideology, the personnel; The (go along to get along) establishment strategy which rarely changes. Not much difference between the two-parties. And now that Kamala has been crowned…

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