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No Love From The DNC for Rep. Cory Bush

The DNC can provide support to candidates, including fundraising assistance, endorsements, and access to party resources are they REALLY doing that for Rep. Cory Bush. The Democratic Party is showing time and time again they really don’t support their strongest base; (Black Women) unless it’s convenient for them. They currently have a handful of politicians in the party that follow their moral convictions and even some of them are changing. It’s a coincidence that Rep Cory Bush is currently facing a DOJ ethics investigation right around the time she is fighting for re-election. The minorities in the Democratic party are looking like a bunch of token elitist that only have their own personal gain as a priority, yet they expect the bipoc community to come out in droves and vote for them in November. All these Minority Pundits and Democratic Politicians have no problem saying Biden’s not too old and he’s the man to lead the party, but you can’t speak up for Rep. Cory Bush or Rep. Rashida Tlaib because you fear the backlash even though it’s morally the godly thing to do. Stop being Fair-weather friends to the Bipoc Community!! The Establishment and its Tokens will cost America the democracy if they don’t change course!! If you don’t get this situation right and fast you will go down in history as the politicians that lost the democracy; that washes away all other accomplishments. Support this Real Black Woman!!!

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Waiting to Exhale from The Capital Hill Riot

Join us in this podcast episode as The Minister of Balance gives a unique musical sermon on how African Americans have once again helped save Democracy from Authoritarian rule yet still aren’t able to fully enjoy the fruits of the American experience still left wondering when White America will except them as equal partners. Blacks are left wondering where do we go from here in terms of surviving in these two different americas? Whats left of this very fragile democracy after the mob attack on Capital Hill in Washington D.C. and how can we as black people bring back the pride and love we should display toward each other and fight as a team against this Jim Crow 21st century strategy of racism that apparently will remain an integral part of the American brand now that the vail has been lifted worldwide. Lastly, the role black women have played in the history of America how they should be honored, how they have endured terrible treatment from the powers that be and have continuously risen above the fray to contribute greatly to the wealth of America. God Bless R.I.P. Eric Jerome Dickey Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | Pandora | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSS | More

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