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We exist to create a better quality of life.

We are a Veteran owned Nonprofit 501c3 tax exempt public charity all proceeds from our donations go toward future events. Balance in life makes the challenges and obstacles we face every day more tolerable. Balance comes from being true to yourself and cultivating a nourishing environment where individuals can thrive. We feel that a more measured approach to life and more social engagement can produce more favorable results.

Stress is a risk that can cause harm to every organ consequently weakening the immune system; making the body more susceptible to infections, colds,  high blood pressure, cancer and a myriad of other debilitating health conditions. Our philosophy more balance helps to alleviate stress and greatly contributes to a better quality of life.

Mission Critical

We believe sharing stories of redemption in an amusing way will encourage others who seek self-improvement to mimic those same transformational behaviors. Stress in life is inevitable but how we react that’s the story. We focus on successful strategies. Our motto; learning from the experience of others with the message all things are possible with a vision and goals.

Our Work

It’s a scientific fact that music instigates a very strong emotion. The brain continuously compares the information that comes in through your eyes with what it expects, based on what you know about the world. The result of the comparison process is what we eventually experience as reality.

Our outreach programs are presented in events and seminars formats. Our goal is to uplift, inspire, and reduce stress by creating presentations, podcast and events that stimulate thoughts in a fresh and unique way. We try to present an alternative processes in context to the material giving maximum impact to the message.

We have deduced listening to happy or sad music changes the way we perceive the world. Music and our dispositions are inherently linked research suggest that the brain builds up expectations not just based on experience but on your mood as well. People use music to stay optimistic even in the mist of peril. In other words we use music to create a targeted mindset.

Through storytelling we want to redirect how people react to stress by presenting alternative methods of taping into real life situations with the power of real talk, sound and visuals. We feel what we have to offer can’t wait. According to the American Psychological Association’s most recent stress survey 66% of people regularly experience physical symptoms of stress and 63% experience psychological symptoms. We desperately want to reach the people before the wakeup call comes. The one that so many people face on a regular basis, staring mortality directly in the face when a health crises occurs.

We can make a difference

Balance Due reflects diverse point of views that are worldwide. We are living in a time when people are more enthralled by their mobile devices than actual human beings. People speak less to each other when you walk by someone their face is usually buried into their phones either texting, surfing or taking pictures.

Social media carries more weight than ever before and we are enjoying the use. But sometimes we miss the contact with real people. It’s much better meeting people under more natural circumstances, there’s nothing like capturing the unique essence of the human being in the moment. Visualize yourself arriving at a peaceful atmosphere with no annoyances,  a stress free colorful environment with mood music and presentations delivered like a smooth conversation.


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