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Happy Halloween Fantasy

In this podcast episode, the Minister of Balance will share the story of Joe Sixpack a bored middle-aged man who gets addicted to his internet activities and decides to turn a fantasy into a reality. Henceforth, while surfing the net, in his gaming sphere, he stumbles across the handle Youngnhot, checks the profile and she’s just his type; blonde, blue eyed with an angelic face. So, they contemporaneously start chatting while gaming and it escalates into an online relationship, they fall in love rather quickly. Every moment he spends with her online, he feels like he’s rekindling the excitement of his youth.  In terms of his home life, he feels as though he’s just going through the motions, barely making ends meet, just working for his kids, the wife, and the mobile home. He feels like his only solace, is the time he spends on the internet. Tune in and find out how Joe Sixpack’s infatuation with fantasy turns deadly. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | Pandora | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSS | More

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And The Beat Goes On

In this podcast episode of the Minister of Balance your host and producer Rodney Holt will share the story of a Billionaire businessman Billy Con and a successful minority entertainment agent Willy Bo Jingles they both decide to team up on a business venture. To make a long story short Willy Bo decides to take a big risk; already one of the only minority agents at the biggest firm in Hollywood, decides to go out on a limb and start a new business. The reason, he wants to give his people a hand up and a happy smile and help grow minority economics. However, he found the effort to be more challenging than he first thought. However, Willy remained hopeful although his spirit is so besieged with anger from all the, hurt and pain that he’s endured over the years in his incredible climb up the corporate ladder. Willy’s unconceived notion that being in business for himself would open doors and change perceptions, is blatantly false he’s learning that racism is even more illuminated on that level. Tune in and find  how this story of two business partners from the opposite sides of the tracks culminates. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | Pandora | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSS | More

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Sleepless and Homeless in Seattle

In this podcast episode The Minister of Balance will discuss some proposed solutions to the homeless problem in Seattle and across the United States. The host Military Veteran and Seattle Mayoral Candidate Rodney Holt interviews fellow Veteran Alonzo McCully 6 Marine Regiment 3rd Battalion. He’s now a civilian working in the community with Boys and Girls club mentoring kids and coaching AAU basketball he’s done that for the past 20 years while simultaneously working as a Technical Analyst at Spectrum Hospital. We both agree that Homelessness should be reclassified as a Disability. Time is running out. We are currently in a pandemic people all over the world are hurting financially and we will need additional help from the government; a comprehensive plan to abolish homelessness. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | Pandora | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSS | More

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Finding Purpose in Life

Finding purpose in life is one of the most difficult things to figure out for most people especially in times of peril.One strategy and this is not a one size fits all but it might work for you.  Do a personal survey do some soul searching  talk to some unbiased friends, some coworkers generally you want people that will tell  you the truth about yourself or at least give their opinion even if u don’t agree just like in business if theirs an over abundance of the same information in terms of your talents or personality flaws then that should be an overwhelming indication (to you) that change is needed. Next, take the mental notes and start trying to make progress toward change. Some people never change which is the case in a lot of circumstances especially those who are older because the (Brain) is so use to functioning at the same capacity for so many years change is usually non-existent but we believe change is always possible that moment of clarity can come at some of the most unusual moments. But either way discipline is needed  prayer, meditation, and education cause it’s an on going process. In addition positivity and a unwavering value system is a must. Please remember if you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything. ~Balance Due. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | Pandora | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSS | More

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Social Engagement

Social interaction has different definitions to different people, some people’s idea of what a friend truly is may differ. But it’s scientifically proven that social interaction from a physical perspective in the (real world) is critical to good physical health. Real Social Interaction is associated with a stronger immune system in some instances you can fight off colds, flu and some types of cancer. Interacting with others can boost feelings of well-being and decrease feelings of depression. Please keep in mind you must have a solid base of social support, good relationships with family, friends and community for these health benefits to reign true. And relationships do require lots of effort in real-time there is no such thing as a quick internet relationship. Virtual love is easily replaced…

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Stress Kills

Stress wears down your body, your health, and your energy. It also affects your emotions. When you’re tightly wound up, you are more likely to react to situations than to respond with reason. As a result we think stress can if not managed properly cause a myriad of different emergency health issues such as opioid addiction, homelessness and suicide. Our work is vital to the community please help us with your support whether it’s sharing, volunteering or donating all participation is greatly appreciated. God Bless

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Tyrone is gone too soon

This is a song about a man who had a gambling addiction. The situation got so bad he emerged himself in drugs to try and dull the pain and his problems spiraled even further out of control. Maybe if he wasn’t so ashamed of his transgressions he would have asked for help and rectified the situation. Never be to proud or embarrassed to seek help nobody comes perfectly packaged. We live, we learn, we love, we laugh. We weren’t designed to function all by ourselves we need each other for support. It says in the Bible 1 John 3:17 but if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need yet closes his heart against him how does god’s love abide in him.

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Reinvent Yourself

Reinvent yourself we’re all under construction make necessary changes and keep and it moving in a healthy direction. In life as we age, we face all sorts of challenges whether in business or in private. Sometimes in life we keep things, we delete things and we add things, but we still must keep the engine humming in order to keep that shine. We all must make some adjustment and continue to elevate our consciousness it all starts with the mind then the body follows. We all have challenges of different magnitudes we can use the mental acuity we all are blessed with to think outside of ourselves and face the challenges head on and grow in the process. We can only do that with self-reflection, discipline and fearlessness sometimes it’s good to think and step outside the box and take a completely different approach to learning and presenting. A drop in the water makes waves without the drop the water stands still. Let’s take this journey together folks.

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Self Control

Too much sun will make the well run dry. Try not to indulge irresponsibly in pleasurable activities if that’s your only objective in life you are headed for a serious case of emptiness and unhealthy stress. Balance in life produces more favorable results. Let’s touch on some consequences of overindulgence in a couple different areas. First, when people are motivated by pleasure as it pertains to eating, drinking and smoking the brain’s reward system may fuel obesity, alcoholism, cancer or heart disease. Research reinforced the theory that mindful eating, consuming food slowly and paying attention to its texture and flavor could prevent overeating and yield other health benefits. The same theory can be said about two other categories when you overindulge you burn yourself out and you don’t enjoy it as much once your body becomes immune to alcohol and nicotine. There are several other psychological reasons that can play a part in the behavior of overindulgence but here’s a universal solution in general terms that may or may not help; try to eat healthier, exercise more, drink lots of water, snack more as opposed to eating a large meal in the evening and last but not least get plenty of sleep. Please keep in mind physical appetites can be attributed to our ability to self-control other aspects of our lives such as (lust, anger, gossip and greed).  ~Balance Due

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Perception’s Illusion

How do we know if our perception of people, places and situations are 100 percent accurate?  Our brains are like computers we gather inordinate amounts of information and interpret it the same way we view the world; through a collection of experiences and thoughts. Tune in let’s explore this process in Part 1 of Perception’s Illusion. Let’s take this journey together folks Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | Pandora | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSS | More

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