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Finding Purpose in Life

Finding purpose in life is one of the most difficult things to figure out for most people especially in times of peril.One strategy and this is not a one size fits all but it might work for you.  Do a personal survey do some soul searching  talk to some unbiased friends, some coworkers generally you want people that will tell  you the truth about yourself or at least give their opinion even if u don’t agree just like in business if theirs an over abundance of the same information in terms of your talents or personality flaws then that should be an overwhelming indication (to you) that change is needed. Next, take the mental notes and start trying to make progress toward change. Some people never change which is the case in a lot of circumstances especially those who are older because the (Brain) is so use to functioning at the same capacity for so many years change is usually non-existent but we believe change is always possible that moment of clarity can come at some of the most unusual moments. But either way discipline is needed  prayer, meditation, and education cause it’s an on going process. In addition positivity and a unwavering value system is a must. Please remember if you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything. ~Balance Due. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | Pandora | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSS | More

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Democratic debate Super Tuesday democratic watch party debate 2020. Biden gains steam Steyer, Buttigieg and Klobuchar exits race. No bars held in the grapevines interpretation of the South Carolina debate and the status of the presidential primary race. Unless Elizabeth Warren gains some serious steam the two front runners Biden and Sanders will lead the way into a very emotional, unpredictable and unprecedented race for the Democratic nomination. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | Pandora | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSS | More

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Happy Medium (Democratic Debate 2020)

The gloves are off in the most exciting democratic debate in 2020. Elizabeth Warren was on fire. Bernie Sanders was steadfast and Mike Bloomberg was like the sixth man coming off the bench in a basketball game, cold as ice working against a full court press by 5 candidates. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | Pandora | Email | TuneIn | Deezer | RSS | More

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Until we are able to control  (the id) in a balanced way; exercise (Discipline), we’re all susceptible to a variety of different addictions. The id is the personality component made up of unconscious psychic energy that works to satisfy basic urges, needs, and desires. The id operates based on the pleasure principle, which demands immediate gratification of needs. We can counteract these urges with passions and incentives ….

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Make a change

I recently had the pleasure of being invited to join the 120 year birthday party from the historical Henrichenburg ship lift in West Germany it was built in 1899 under Kaiser Wilhelm ll, this construction is a true testament to advanced technology for that time.The gigantic ship lift moved quickly and efficiently 14 meters up and down between the two levels of the canal. As a result goods like coal, ore and building materials could then be directly transported along the canal to the harbors on the North Sea. This technology required an incredible balancing feat a similar parallel to life’s challenges; shifting, lifting, redirecting, loading and unloading while at the same time maintaining balance.Stepping out of our comfort zone exploring the unknown helps some of us make a better assessment of our own lives and discover other processes like beliefs, cultures, religions, and history, some we may want to incorporate into our own lives, variety is the spice of life. Furthermore while I was at the party I tried a dish called flammkuchen it consist of ingredients very similar to American pizza, you select the toppings of your choice and the cook adds them to a thinner crust and a cream sauce. My toppings were mushroom, union and bacon. I felt like I was in a time machine and enjoyed the complete experience. Check out the short video below. Balance Due~ Makes a happy you.

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Gettin Old

This is a dramatic comedy song about the certainties of getting old a valuable experience all within itself. We have to embrace it. Love everything about ourselves and all that aging entails. Laughter is medicine to the soul it helps carry us through the perils of life’s evolving journey.

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Tyrone is gone too soon

This is a song about a man who had a gambling addiction. The situation got so bad he emerged himself in drugs to try and dull the pain and his problems spiraled even further out of control. Maybe if he wasn’t so ashamed of his transgressions he would have asked for help and rectified the situation. Never be to proud or embarrassed to seek help nobody comes perfectly packaged. We live, we learn, we love, we laugh. We weren’t designed to function all by ourselves we need each other for support. It says in the Bible 1 John 3:17 but if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need yet closes his heart against him how does god’s love abide in him.

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Mindful Thoughts

Based on scientific research day-to-day weather does affect your mood they found that climate-related factors like temperature, wind, rain and sunlight do have a profound effect on your disposition. Now let’s try too reverse this constant flow of mood uncertainty that we experience, It all starts in the mind then the body follows. The mind in some cases can even help the body heal. Therefore, we have to be careful what we feed into the mind cause it’s more powerful then most people can fathom. For example (The illusory truth effect) is the tendency to believe information to be correct after repeated exposure. Politicians and Advertisers been known to use the technique quite often, Instead let’s use the (illusory truth effect) in a positive way. On a sunny day just repeat to yourself, the sun is shining bright and I’m feeling alright, then let your smile radiate that positive energy.

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